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Career Advancement with Craig Ancel

If you’re a working professional wondering what’s next for your career, you’ve come to the right place.

Whether you're looking for a promotion, growth, or a potential career transition, look no further. With over 30 years working in a variety of industries, Craig shares his insider knowledge with those ready to get ahead on Career Advancement with Craig Ancel.

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Craig Ancel


In 2008, after nearly 12 years of dedicated company service, Craig Ancel found himself unemployed. After becoming comfortable in his old position, he learned the hard way how important it is to stay up-to-date.

Craig’s passion for learning was put to work. He spent months studying resumes, cover letters, and interview techniques. After many late nights working odd jobs, he landed a position with a Fortune 500 company.

Since then, Craig has become a successful career coach, podcaster, and course creator. He aims to empower hardworking people to achieve their highest potential while making the greatest impact.