Humanity has reached a crossroads. We have the power and resources to disrupt the status quo and create the future we want for ourselves and our communities. We are starting to see the rise of a regenerative future - the emergence of terra nova. People all over the world are waking up and ready to make real change. Our intention is to connect a global network of rule breakers dedicated to cultivating a better future. Our mission is to integrate ancient wisdom with today’s cutting-edge science and technology to solve the issues of today to create a better tomorrow. This community supports the regeneration of ourselves, our work, our communities, and our planet. We all have a role to play in ushering in this new world. Thank you for choosing to be here. Your unique gifts are needed for where we’re going. The Terra Nova podcast is a storytelling platform dedicated to exploring all facets of the human condition. We dive deep into our shared history and discuss evidence-based approaches to evolving our way of life. In addition to interviewing leaders and visionaries in science, spirituality, and conscious entrepreneurism, we will also feature stories directly from our community of listeners. To learn more about the Terra Nova movement and how to get plugged into our community, please visit