GeoPolitical Network

The Geo-Godfather Wars

Barak Seener, Leah Tedrow and guest experts offer an analytical approach to geopolitics enabling viewers to be ahead of the curve and effectively mitigate risk. In an age of disinformation and changing trade & business practices, companies as well as members of the public want to sift between real and ‘fake news’ and have a deeper understanding of future trends and how global affairs are interconnected. Our security and economic landscapes are impacted by Coronavirus, a rising China, a resurgent Russia & a nuclear aspiring Iran leading to shifting trade patterns, heightening risk to industries & investment portfolios, creating barriers to entry to foreign markets & creating market volatility.

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Podcast Cast & Crew

Leah Tedrow

A strategic communications expert who has helped shape narratives, messages and geo-political environments for over 25 years. Specializing in social engineering campaigns in conflict, post-conflict and developing areas.
Leah has been on-the-ground helping to build understanding and contextualization of environments and drive relationship building on behalf of diplomatic peace building and nation building efforts through transparent communications and infrastructural, socio-economic and city-activation initiatives in some of the most hostile environments in the world. Her experience brings a real-world perspective to the challenges and realities of the world today.

Barak Seener

In 2019, Barak Seener published the Godfather Wars that provides models for understanding current geopolitical dynamics which has the potential for being developed further in the future. In his background as a geopolitical expert, he seeks to provide a holistic lens on how security, trade, economic, technological dynamics as well as business practices fuel each other.